Friday, May 05, 2006

Society has gone to the dogs... literally

I'm not making this up - found it the local Bristol paper. We have a lot to answer for...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Lost: Season 1 - Original Cast

Questions of Life # 1: Cheese vs. Nightmares

This kicks off the first in a series of 'Questions of Life'... I'm hoping that as a virtual community you can help answer some of these great mysteries. The more answers we get - the more accurate our collective research will be. So here we go...

Its often been suggested that one should not eat cheese before sleeping on the suggestion that it will give you nightmares. Two initial thoughts came out from this for me:

1) Does the amount of cheese that a person eats affect the severity of the nightmare?
2) Does the strength of cheese affect the severity of the nightmare?

So, if cheese DOES give you nightmares, what does it depend on? Could it be possible that a large portion of mild cheddar could give you a nightmare equal to that of a small amount of Limburger... Discuss & experiment, then report back here - the world awaits!

(For information on cheeses go to