Monday, December 24, 2007

KITT is back!

"NBC Two Hour Movie Event Sunday, February 17th - KNIGHT RIDER"

Executive Producer David Liman ('The Bourne Identity' Franchise and 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith') and Executive Producer David Bartis ('The O.C' and NBC's 'Heist') have joined together to bring back the 1980's television classic "Knight Rider." The two-hour movie event brings KITT and a talented cast of young and seasoned actors into the 21st century with speed, drama, love and triumph. David Hasselhoff as a special guest star returns as Michael Knight."

Saturday, December 22, 2007

More looping

Unsurprisingly looping has become popular... at one end of the spectrum, Imogen Heap... at the other end... this guy... whilst driving... he's not bad its just the operating several tonnes of machine at the same time that got me!

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Fellowship of the Quiz Show

Was flicking through and happened to come across a show on BBC2 called 'Eggheads' and couldn't help think of Lord of the Rings...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

music for shopping

was in somerfield yesterday and they were playing "don't fear the reaper"... hmmm festive...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Misc Founds

The last two were from a lift that hadn't yet been finished or something and kind of looked like a padded cell...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Feeling a little LOST?

"Lost: Missing Pieces are 13 two- to three-minute stories of compelling, new, never-before-seen moments from the hit television show LOST. These newly-created scenes (not deleted scenes from previous episodes) reveal answers and new details about your favorite characters. For each story, we leave it up to the fans to figure out where these pieces fit into the overall mythology. The new stories are from the same creative team responsible for the series and feature the show's main actors in stories that have all the compelling values that make LOST one of the most popular dramas on television around the world."

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Well today was WARK Wednesday, so inspired by a friend I decided to go to the local Sainsbury's, purchase a tin of chocolates and proceeded to give them away just outside Clifton Down Shopping Centre. Which was surprisingly difficult really...

One woman responded with "What's the catch?", most responses were "No thank you" but a good few seemed to be able to get past any suspicions and take the free chocolate.

Even the security guard, who came and asked me "Do have permission to give away free chocolate?" to which I surprisingly answered "No", seemed most amiable and even accepted a chocolate after I had moved away from the entrance and onto the pavement area. Hurrah!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


- had fun last night at fireworks thing last night
- actually slept in (a whole 8 hours!, thats a Colse Record!!)
- almost everything is in its new place, in a new room
- bought a new coat
- had a nice little chat with a friend on the street

Monday, November 05, 2007


- car broke down, AA came to tow me to garage. possibly expensive
- walked home with guiutar in hand before realising i had left my house keys with the mechanic, so had to go get them.

- met my new neighhbours

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bounty from a visit from my parents

Which includes:
- chinese procured sausage
- wontons
- moon cake
- blackbeans
- oyster sauce
- sesame oil
- cleaver
- small knife
- replacement power cord for a rice cooker
- cough medicine
- dumplings
- lots of dried things that I couldn't really describe but it was stuff that we ate as kids
- oh and a small weekend away/laptop bag thing on wheels

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Do something nice today!

Everyone needs a little encouragement from time to time, so maybe today as you read this you could think about doing something nice for somebody.

It doesn't have to be a big thing, it could be something seemlingly insignificant but enough to make somebody's day... it doesn't take much to...

- hold a door open for somebody
- make a donation to charity
- take the time to take to somebody and actually listen to them
- make someone a cup of tea and deliver it to them with a smile

So go, go, go...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I was on TV... well not really

Its really Mr Nigel Savage talking about Woodies... check it out... oh and thats me walking past someone getting interviewed hehhe!)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mr T says...

"When I was growing up, my family was so poor we couldn't afford to pay attention"
- Mr. T

Sunday, September 09, 2007

iPod Touch: Who is that guy?

The iPod touch has arrived!! Hurrah but who is this guy??!? More importantly who is this guy and how do I get his job?

Monday, August 13, 2007

"my kid could paint that"

In the span of only a few months, 4-year-old Marla Olmstead rocketed from total obscurity into international renown – and sold over $300,000 dollars worth of paintings. She was compared to Kandinsky and Pollock, and called “a budding Picasso.” Inside Edition, The Jane Pauley Show, and NPR did pieces, and The Today Show and Good Morning America got in a bidding war over an appearance by the bashful toddler. There was talk of corporate sponsorship with the family fielding calls from The Gap and Crayola. But not all of the attention was positive. From the beginning, many faulted her parents for exposing Marla to the glare of the media and accused the couple of exploiting their daughter for financial gain. Others felt her work was, in fact, comparable to the great abstract expressionists – but saw this as emblematic of the meaninglessness of Modern Art. “She is painting exactly as all the adult paintings have been in the past 50 years, but painting like a child, too. That is what everybody thinks but they don’t dare to say it,” said Oggi, the leading Italian weekly. Through no intention of her own, Marla revived the age-old question, ‘what is art?’

Wenger Giant Swiss Army Knife!

BAS pointed me to this... wow!



For anyone who has seen any of the Rob Bell Nooma DVDs, this is made by the same production company for a motivational speaker called Marcus Buckingham...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Found # 16

Sign on street - Brompton, Dordogne (SW France)

I survived!!

This morning I preached at the 10.30am service at Woodlands - good, scary, fun, exciting, difficult, easy, wonderful, all of the above and more! Yowsers. It went reasonably well and no rotten vegetables or fruit appeared during amy point of the service!! Hurrah!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Concerns that 'in-person' social-networking could corrupt children

"A controversial new teenage social-networking trend is emerging across the country, causing alarm amongst parents and community leaders. Rather than using the safety of computers or mobile phones to talk to each other, young people have started meeting up in person to chat, listen to music, share photographs and even form relationships"

Read the Full article

Thanks to Big Brother K for pointing this out... he knows where its at with the kids!