Thursday, August 14, 2008

looking for...

Napkin/Serviette Dispenser - old school types that have coils in them, they make that clanky snappy sound

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stay in touch

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Demo: Jesus, Mighty Jesus

Jesus, Mighty Jesus (Colse Leung © 2008) 3.8MB

(Mac users: Please control-click and “Download Link to Disk”)
(PC users: Please right-click and “Save File as…”)

Demo: Be Still & Know

Be Still & Know (Colse Leung © 2008) 5.1MB

(Mac users: Please control-click and “Download Link to Disk”)
(PC users: Please right-click and “Save File as…”)


Work offends me...

If you can't camp outdoors, then why not indoors!