Friday, September 29, 2006

Er... Jesus Camp

I gotta be honest - I'm a Christian and even I'm wierded out by this a bit. Let me know what you think, go watch the trailer at:

1 comment:

Clair Miller said...

Ok, i am to a little sceptical BUT i delved further and found some testimony from at 12 your old child at the camp

"I really enjoyed your camp. It was lots of fun and it was an opportunity for me to draw nearer to God. At camp I was touched by the Holy Spirit like never before. I have never seen anything like it in my life. I loved it and wanted more of being in His presence.

"Since camp I have been giving testimony after testimony. Lots of people have asked about camp. I have been telling of what it was like to be slain in the Spirit. I told people about the gold and how real it was to me. I really liked camp because of the good food and because it was a open door to get closer to God. Ever since camp I have danced everywhere--in the parking lots, in my bedroom, in our attic, just every place I go, and felt led to do it."

Ok you could still easly be sinical but, i love the fact that the child coments on good food and getting closer to God in one sentence. it's only really with children that you get that simple honesty. i would like to see the film. I know God uses kids in amazingly powerfull ways and i would love to see it hapen more in woodies.