Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New Song: You are holy

At the prayer night thing on Monday, Jon Trueman from Highgrove gave a word about really getting back into God's Word - this would cause us to grow and as a result see the Kingdom move (if I got it wrong, somebody stop me!!)...

Whilst at Muller Training yesterday, Tim started our time with a relfection looking at Psalm 33...

This morning, I was just noodling, had a bit of a moment... and this is what came out of it. For me its kind of an intimate congregation song - if that makes any sense!!


You are holy
Based on Psalm 33 NIV/The Message (Capo 7 )

For Your word is right and true
For You’re faithful in all You do
You seek righteousness and justice, justice
The earth is drenched in unfailing love
You hold the heavens, You hold us
You spoke the sun and moon and stars into place

In reverence and awe
We bow before You Lord

You are holy, You are holy
You are holy, You are the Lord

You are our hope, You are our help
You are our shield, our joy
You are our shield, our hearts rejoice

You are worthy…
We give glory, glory, glory to the Lord


Chordsheet Word Doc
Chordsheet PDF
demo mp3 6.1MB
Listen to it on

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