Friday, March 30, 2007

Jesus vs Chocolate...

BBC news calls it "My Sweet Lord", Esquire calls it "The 485,460-Calorie Messiah" whilst on the artist's (Cosimo Cavallaro) very own website its simply referred to as 'Christ'...

Makes you think doesn't it? Ususally this sort of stuff is saved for Christmas - in terms of our usual exclamations that Christian festivals have become too commercialised... but lets take two different view points - a) The artist is doing this purely to shock and b) the artist is trying to say something.

If the artist is doing the former, then he is relatively shallow - its really no more intelligent than a flasher on the street, a drunk celebrity causing a brawl in a restaurant or even a politician suddenly becoming passionate about green issues... its easy, its obvious, its childish even.

If he is trying to make a statement, what might he be trying to say?

Christmas targets are often easier to spot, we dish out the same old stories about it being too commercialised and watch "its a beautiful life" and say its not how it ought to be. Easter however is a bit of a different story. Look beyond Mel Gibson's 'Passion' and breeze past Python's "Life of Brian" and perhaps Easter is too commercialised as well... an Easter where we give the token nod towards Calvary and tuck into our chocolate eggs...

I don't condone it yet at the same time I don't think we should ignore it. Perhaps its a reminder to all of us about the fact that Easter often passes most of us by, we might not go to such extraordinary lengths, but surely Easter is more than eggs, more than DIY & Bank Holidays, more than just another Christian date on the calendar.

Perhaps that Jesus is for life, for Easter, not just for Christmas.

Ben's Pet Log... Jaadink


God moves in mysterious ways... I was at Woodies the other day, when a knock came on the door.

Outside stood a youngish, fairly ordinary guywith a limp carrying a rucksack... "Are any of the chaplaincy around?" He asked. "Any of the Fathers or Reverends?"

I explained that Woodies wasn't a denominational church and asked him back "Whats the problem?" It turns out he had hurt his foot and was looking to borrow some money for the bus fare back to Lawrence Weston...

Not entirely sure of where I would end up, I offered him a lift and off we went... as we drove he explained a little about why he had turned up at the church. Apparently, he had once had a conversation with someone during a communion service and that person had said that if he ever needed to talk, then to come back. We then chatted quite randomly about God...

Anyhoos, we arrived in Lawrence Weston and I dropped him off. As he was geting out of the car, he swiftly reached into his rucksack and produced from it a smallish Lindt chocolate Easter bunny and insisted that I take it as a thank you...

God moves in mysterious ways...

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Song: Jesus, Mighty Jesus

Wrote a new song, which we played at our church day during the morning session at Woodlands Christian Centre. Check it out at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nat Bedingfield

A mate got me on the guest list for her MTV/anson rooms gig in Bristol

Friday, March 09, 2007

Red moon...

Apparently this is what it looked like... not in Bristol it didn't ...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Fao: Ryan Pike

Pictures: Roof has been excellently repaired and is completely waterproof & slight dent in rear passenger side

Friday, March 02, 2007

Found # 11

02/02/07, Wall in Bedminster

This week

As you can tell by the lack of blogging, I've actually been a bit busy this week... I've actually been working!! Yes working... yes yes paid work. I've been doing som emuch needed freelance stuff within this lovely building...