Friday, June 15, 2007

Odd - very odd

Myself and a good friend Stew Ford had a very odd, yet funny experience on the way to a local establishment for a lemonade.

We were walking to the aforementioned establishment when I glanced on the road a ten pound note right by a car. We picked it up and thought that what we should do was return it to its owner. So we knocked on the doors of the immediate houses right by the car but had no success.

Stew popped over the road and kind of randomly knocked on the door of one of the opposite houses on the off chance that the car we found the £10 note by was theirs - it wasn't.

In discussion with the neighbour we thought the best thing to do was to just leave it neatly tucked in the underside of the door handle; when we tried to do that we realised that the door was actually unlocked.

Dropping the tenner inside we kind of realised that if the owner of the car was to, actually, at that moment turn up they probably wouldn't believe that two guys were 'breaking into his car' to return a tenner!

Shortly after we scarpered!

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