Friday, July 13, 2007

Ultimate insult or compliment?

Well make of it what you will but someone who has EVEN MORE FREE TIME than me has created a duplicate Facebook account of me!

My doppelganger has recently appeared and apparently is a she!!

So if you get any spurious or weird messages from 'me' - just double check them as someone may be being mischievous (and hopefully not malicious).

Please also note that sometimes I get messages via Facebook about some of my volunteering work (which may be sensitive and personal) but also I have a few freelancing contacts on Facebook as well, so if you have created this fake profile please could you remove it ASAP.

Don't bother asking them to be a friend or anything as they have been reported and if it continues, I will have no other choice but to challenge Evil-She-Colse to a 'pistols at dawn'/Arnie-Jet LI showdown kind of thing and it will probably end up being quite messy.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ozomatli Gig

Went to see Ozomatli last night... and I gotta be honest the sound was OK, a bit of a let down for me though. With Latin music there are certain things you want to hear and that (for me at least) didn't really come through in the mix.

The Academy is a slightly unusual venue in some ways (and probably a bit weird to mix in). Its kind of wide and has three levels. Which really made me think about the balcony situation at Woodies and the implications for sound and the clarity of the sound you will hear depending on where you are in a building... as ever no real conclusions!

For Danner

Saturday, July 07, 2007