Friday, July 13, 2007

Ultimate insult or compliment?

Well make of it what you will but someone who has EVEN MORE FREE TIME than me has created a duplicate Facebook account of me!

My doppelganger has recently appeared and apparently is a she!!

So if you get any spurious or weird messages from 'me' - just double check them as someone may be being mischievous (and hopefully not malicious).

Please also note that sometimes I get messages via Facebook about some of my volunteering work (which may be sensitive and personal) but also I have a few freelancing contacts on Facebook as well, so if you have created this fake profile please could you remove it ASAP.

Don't bother asking them to be a friend or anything as they have been reported and if it continues, I will have no other choice but to challenge Evil-She-Colse to a 'pistols at dawn'/Arnie-Jet LI showdown kind of thing and it will probably end up being quite messy.

1 comment:

hephzibah said...

She doesn't look too good in that picture - how can she be your doppelganger!?