Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Saturday... if you are into these sort of things...

"Holy Saturday is the Saturday after Good Friday which is often, but wrongly, called Easter Saturday" (BBC) and if you look at Wikipedia they even say that its just called "Saturday in Easter Week".

Saturday doesn't get much of a look in really. 

I mean you've got Maundy Thursday, Good Friday... um... Saturday... then of course Easter Sunday! Even in the Gospels you don't find any real reference to it and in a way we don't know much about the Saturday between Good Friday & Easter Sunday.

It could almost be a non-day. Maybe the disciples had a bit of a lie in? I mean it had been a hectic week and all... ?! I dunno, maybe 'at this point' they would have found it difficult to get out of bed, a little confused and lost, unsure and deflated... Whilst some where in their brains the words of Jesus (Matt 17v23) were mixed in with seeing Jesus' torture and death the day before.

It was Friday... and here they found themselves on the Saturday... did they really know Sunday was coming? 

My badly written point is this: a lot of the time there is a gap between the questions and the answers in life - our 'Good Fridays' & our 'Easter Sundays', between the situations we find ourselves in and the answer to the prayers that we hope for - there's a tension there. There's a gap.

Couldn't we just skip the Saturdays of our lives and go from Good Friday straight to Easter Sunday? It would be a lot easier wouldn't it??!! Life has many tensions and gaps. Places where things are unresolved, hanging in the air, some times even stuck.

But 'Easter Saturday' or the 'Saturday in Easter Week' represents the toil and the tension, the gap between things and has its place not only in Holy Week but as a signpost and analogy for our lives.

Hold on... Sunday's coming...

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